Web Piecing Tutorial

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5 Responses

  1. prettypiney says:

    Thanks for the tutorial! Your Mega Man photos were intriguing, and I definitely wanted to learn more. I appreciate the tip for pressing the seams on small pieces, too! Wish I’d thought of that when I made my kids their 8-bit Kirby and Link pillows.

    • Most the tutorials out there, don’t tell you how to iron your pieces when they are that tiny! I spent a good while trying to figure out how to iron without messing up a ton of seams all at one time.

      Also, your Kirby and Link pillows were ADORABLE! My husband is asking for a Link quilt next… he doesn’t seem to understand I have other things I want to work on 😛

  2. Hi Sherry thanks for explaining web piecing – I have never tried it but it certainly does seem like a good way to keep all those squares in order. Too bad I didn’t see this last week when I had a nightmare with ‘moving’ sqaures!!

  1. June 27, 2017

    […] each row together and press seams in opposing directions as shown above.  I used the webbed piecing method to do […]