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#365DaysOfArtPBQChallenge Week13, Exercises 85-91

Happy Easter!  Week 13 of the 365 Days Of Art Challenge!   I'm still chugging along through this book!   If you haven't started yet, no worries!  The link up at the bottom of the post will be open all year so be sure to check back to see what other fellow creatives have made with this week's exercises.  Read more about the challenge here.

Without further ado, here are my 7 for this week… the good, bad, and ugly!

#85 Add stripes to the bees. I ran out of different types of stripes.  I used my brush marker, a fineliner, crayons, and colored pencils... and I still ran out of different types of stripes!  I do think some of the bees look much better than others, and I had the most fun with colored pencils and my brush markers.

#86 Use the grid to draw geometric shapes. This exercise I played with to make different shapes.  The 3D prisms went in different directions which honestly makes the perspective a little wonky.  I tried to make some other shapes, but didn't like where this was heading.  I think I should try more 3D shape drawing in the future.

#87 Use colored paper and cut out letters to form a word, name, or phrase. I chose SUNNY!  I  am so over the cold, so yellow paper with SUNNY is my wish.  I did a lot of bubble lettering in school was it was fun to actually make a word and cut them out.

#88 Calligraphy practice. I think this wiggle line still needs a bit of work.  I am starting to think I should have lifted my pen a lot more after I watched a few videos.  I tried to do the entire line of wiggles in one stroke which I think was where I made my mistake.  The lettering videos I watch all have a pen pick up after each bump.

#89 Color the rain using different types of art media.  I disliked this exercise.  I don't know why I enjoyed the color in the dots, but I couldn't stand color in the rain.  I think it's because I originally wanted the rain to be all blue, since water is blue.  But with the limited different colors of blue in brush marker, fineliner, crayon, and colored pencil, I was leaving a large majority uncolored.  I ended up adding in purple for purple rain, then pink, red, yellow, etc until I ended up with the entire rainbow!  Now it just looks like someone rained different color droplets of paint on the page!

 #90 Draw each of the leaves on the next page.  So the tip on the page suggested watercolor, but I was afraid I was just going to soak the entire page without getting any of the coloring correct.  I opted to use  color pencils, but I don't think my 24 count colored pencils had enough variety of color either.   I am pretty happy with how it turned out, and I think I did the best I could.

#91 What activities have you found most challenging so far? Why? How did you overcome the challenge?  So I'm not sure why this seemingly text answer exercise is in the book, but it offers reflection on the exercises already completed.  This book has really helped me think on the fly and be okay with making mistakes.  I can't wait to see what the rest of the book challenges me to do.

Bonus this week!  I am actually at my parent's house for Easter, and I found my art portfolio from 8th grade.  It was actually pretty horrendous stuff inside my portfolio, but the cover is pretty cool.  This portfolio cover and one other acrylic painting that is pinned in my childhood bedroom are the only 2 memorable art pieces that I have from junior high.

Now that we've all had a good chuckle and/or grimace, I encourage you to join in the fun and expand your creative horizons too!


Get the 365 Days of Art book here! (affiliate link)

Your turn! Link up below with one or more of the exercises for this week, so exercises #85-91 for this link up!

A few reminders:


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