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#365DaysOfArtPBQChallenge Week22, Exercises 148-154

On the home stretch of getting our house on the market, and it definitely is a lot of work!  My daily dose of art is a great way to relax and enjoy part of my nights.  It's Week 22 of the 365 Days Of Art Challenge!  If you haven't started yet, no worries!  The link up at the bottom of the post will be open all year so be sure to check back to see what other fellow creatives have made with this week's exercises.  Read more about the challenge and catch up on all the previous weeks!

Without further ado, here are my 7 for this week… the good, bad, and ugly!

#148 Draw your home. This is so fitting as we are moving and changing homes.  Here's the outside of the current home, and yes, I really have a bright orange door against a mainly white house.  I didn't really like it when we first moved in, but it's definitely grown on me.  I'm going to miss this house when we move. 

#149 Fill the page with things that are the color blue. Blue was an easier color for me than red, yellow, or pink (the exercises we had done in the past).  I even put a Kansas City Royals logo on there since I suppose I'll need to convert teams (Editor/Husband Note: We will not be converting teams).   Really though, I'm not a baseball fan at all so maybe I'll just be a fair weather fan.

#150 Write or draw something you saw or heard today which inspired you, and sparked an idea. Doing more fabric weaving has definitely been on my mind lately!  I cannot wait until everything settles down, so I can get some things woven! Fabric weaving might make me into a bag lady, so I'll end up carrying everything woven!

#151 Draw a colorful rainbow. I'm not sure what type of rainbow is not colorful, but I think this rainbow is pretty ordinary.  I am missing the indigo color, but I have the basic six!

#152 Add the faces. I hate faces... with a passion.  This entire page was random ovals of colors for skin tone and the top left 2 faces already completed.  I drew the hair on all the blobs first and then started in making the faces.  I think this could definitely be used in an I Spy exercise.  I spy... a normal happy face :).  Do you see it? I also realized the first couple faces that I drew were rather unhappy or upset.  I had to change my thinking to make happier faces the further down the page I got.

#153 Color in the shapes.  These egg-like shapes reminded me of Easter, and I really tried not to make them the color Easter Eggs.  I didn't even think to fill in the eggs with quilting motifs until I got to the last egg, which actually was the top center peach colored egg.  I ended up coloring in the lines drawn for all the eggs, and the peach colored egg just seemed so plain being one color.  I decided to add the zigzag and realized I loved the decorating some much, I added motifs to the other eggs.  Maybe these did turn out like decorated Easter eggs after all.

#154 Continue adding colored zigzags.  This is the visual representation of the game telephone.  The two left most zigzags were printed in the book and I was echoing the zigzags across the page.  Just like the game of telephone, the zig zags on the very right are not that representative of the originals!  I think this is also a good lesson that I shouldn't echo too many times quilting either or else the original motif will get lost!

Now that we've all had a good chuckle and/or grimace, I encourage you to join in the fun and expand your creative horizons too!

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Your turn! Link up below with one or more of the exercises for this week, so exercises #148-154 for this link up!

A few reminders:


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