Simply Baubles Quilt Pattern and Simply 2021
Here's the twelfth quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Baubles! I made this quilt top in just under 4 ...

Simply Rolling Quilt Pattern! (Friday Foto Fun #154)
Here's the eleventh quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Rolling! I made this quilt top in just under 3.25 ...

Simply Swirled Quilt Pattern! (Friday Foto Fun #149)
Here's the tenth quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Swirled! I made this quilt top in just under 6 ...

Simply Zippered Quilt Pattern!
Here's the ninth quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Zippered! I made this quilt top in about 5 hours ...

Simply Churned Quilt Pattern! (Friday Foto Fun #140)
Here's the eighth quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Churned! I made this quilt top in about 4 hours ...

Simply Turned Quilt Pattern!
Here's the seventh quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Turned! I made this quilt top in about 6 hours ...

Simply Stars Quilt Pattern!
Here's the sixth quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Stars! I made this quilt top in about 4.5 hours ...

Simply Striped Quilt Pattern!
Here's the fifth quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Striped! I made this quilt top in about 3.25 hours ...

Simply Patched Quilt Pattern
I did it again! Here's the fourth quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Patched! We made this quilt top ...

Simply Woven Quilt Pattern and Day 2 of the Virtual Shop Hop!
I did it again! Here's the third quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Woven! We made this quilt top ...

Simply Cake Quilt Pattern!
YAY! Here's the second quilt in my Simply series. Introducing Simply Cake! We made this quilt top in about 5 ...

Simply Sweet Quilt Pattern!
We did it! We made a quilt top in 4.5 hours on Saturday and then I longarmed the quilt Saturday ...