Tagged: amara

Finally Finished! (Friday Foto Fun #189)

I have a mountain of unfinished quilt projects in all sorts of different states.  However, it’s very rare that I start making a bag and then just stop or pause.  The bag projects typically are done one at a time.  Several months ago, I started making an Amara tote with some beautiful canvas fabric but put it down when I needed to cut foam for...

Wholecloth Mini Quilt Challenge!

This month’s Aurifil Artisan Challenge is to make a Wholecloth Mini Quilt! Paintbrush Studio Fabrics provided a half yard of Painter’s Palette Solids fabric to make the mini.  The colors provided to the Artisans are the 2019 trending colors and each color was given out at most twice!  I got Mink, it’s a really nice tan neutral color!