Tagged: binding

Happy First Day of Fall!

Autumn is my FAVORITE season of the year!  Too bad it’s almost 90 degrees today.  I’ve been so wiped out by my day job these last few weeks, I feel like all the quilting goals I’ve set for myself have been overly aggressive.  It seems like the only thing I’ve mentally be able to do is sew on binding.  I also apologize I’m behind on...

Joining Binding and Diagonal Seams (A Tutorial)

One of my favorite parts of quilting is binding because it’s the last part that is needed to finish off the quilt!  I taught myself how to join the ends of my binding because I didn’t like the way the folded or tuck binding looked.  I also didn’t realize there was a huge market for all sorts of binding tools, so my method uses nothing...

Buying Fabric and Sewing are Two Different Hobbies

Buying Fabric and Sewing are Two Different Hobbies

That was a quote photo on GoGoKim’s Instagram earlier this week, and it could not speak the truth anymore clear.  I finally got a new cutting table that is the proper height rather than my plastic table set up.  I got a kitchen island from IKEA like the ones I had seen at the retreat center. Because the cutting table doesn’t fit in my current...