Tagged: drawing

A Zipper Broke My Sewing Machine (Friday Foto Fun #4)

I love bags, but I’ll admit I’m not the best at making them. I decided now was the time to change that and purchased 80 assorted zippers to make zipper bags, handbags, Sew Together Bags, etc. In my mind, it was going to be fabulous. But…The very first zipper bag I was warming up with, I hit the tiny little metal part of the zipper...

Snowy October? (Friday Foto Fun #3)

It’s the last Friday in October, and the weather forecast is predicting snow! Say what?! I love fall, and I’m pretty unhappy that winter seems to be descending quickly upon us!  Hopefully everyone else is still enjoying warmer weather.  This Friday I’d like to share my progress on a few of my projects! I decided that I’d start on my Fox and Friends quilt for...

Lucky Friday the 13th (Friday Foto Fun #1)

Welcome to the first of many Friday Foto Fun Sharing posts! I am starting this linky party because I feel with my full time job, I don’t finish enough projects to do a Friday Finish sharing party.  But I would still like to celebrate the smaller wins such as working on designs or finishing up a block or two on a longer term project! <div...