Tagged: flying swallows

Make a Mini, Make a Friend (Friday Foto Fun #114)

Hello from Quiltcon 2020!  It’s been a crazy couple of days in Austin and the show this year has not disappointed.  Tonight, this is going to be the 4th year that I’m participating in the mini quilt swap! This is such a fun event and I love being able to make new friends through this process.  This year the mini that I made, I used...

Magnificent Minis Challenge! (Friday Foto Fun #71)

The 2019 Island Batik Ambassador program officially kicked off earlier this month!  We got our boxes a little earlier this year and I had to tape my unboxing video rather than wait for a live reveal because I was just TOO excited to see what was in our boxes!  I posted the video to my Facebook page earlier this month, but in case you missed...