Tagged: libs elliott

Sewtopia SLC 2018 Recap 

Do you ever feel like you need a recovery after a super fun vacation?  I am still recovering from Sewtopia and trying to get caught up with my day job and everything that I missed while I was away.   So what exactly is Sewtopia?  Sewtopia is a sewing retreat that is now offered 3 different times during the year: in the spring, summer (new this year), and fall!  The fall...

QuiltCon2018 Recap!

This year’s QuiltCon was held in Pasadena, CA this past Thursday to Sunday.  I traveled out there Wednesday morning and got home late last night!  I was also a Super Volunteer meaning I did over 16 hours of volunteering at the event! I look forward to going to Nashville in 2019 and Austin in 2020.  It was a super packed few days, so this is...