Tagged: santorini tote

Retiring my first bag (Friday Foto Fun #257)

Remember way back in January of 2020… before the pandemic really started and the world shifted?  I made my very first bag on stream, the Santorini Tote Bag by Sew Hungry Hippie.  You can read about that here.  I have used the smaller version of the two totes for almost 3 years as a laptop bag.

Finished Santorini Totes!

It’s official.  I LOVE bag days and I’m so excited for the next one in February.  I made 2 Santorini Totes this past Saturday on my Twitch channel!  Each tote took me about 3 hours to make from start to finish.  I had fabric picked out and zippers close by, but I cut and assembled everything from start to finish. The first tote that I...