Unprecedented Times Ahead

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3 Responses

  1. Well, being on the road while this was unfolding was incredibly surreal. I am glad to be home and isolating. We definitely noticed a difference at the hotels we stayed at; the numbers were definitely down. We are glad to be home, and hoping that we will stay healthy, and that we weren’t carriers without knowing it.

  2. Tons of stuff and not much at the moment. I did finish my awesome ocean quilt and now on to other projects, including one for a hop on Friday. Gotta get moving but I think I will have a reprieve…hubs will go to pick up a few things in MA and we’ll mostly be in Maine until this is over… I hope sooner rather than later.

  3. Jane says:

    Thinking of you both, Sherry, and hope you will stay healthy!!! Sending our love…Jane and Greg