Projects For Me (Friday Foto Fun #125)

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5 Responses

  1. Nancy Bekedam says:

    So sweet, Sherry!!! What a beautiful bag! Did you use an edge to edge to quilt it, or meander, or ?

  2. Liz Wilson says:

    It looks fantastic and so professional! I’ve had this bag on my todo list for more than 2 years. I have the kit and everything, but I’ve been intimidated. What size needle were you using that was breaking?

  3. poweredbyquilting says:

    I was using my normal microtex 80/12.  It was really only one area that was bad At the join with the side of the bag and the bottom of the bag.  You end up going through, fabric, strapping, fabric, fabric, foam, fabric, fabric, foam, fabric, fabric, foam, fabric, mesh. Sorry I had to type that out as I’m thinking about the layers going through all the pieces in my head.

  4. poweredbyquilting says:

    I used flower child as the pantograph 🙂 I thought it matched the flower on the fabric well.

  5. Anja @ Anja Quilts says:

    Yeah for sewing for yourself. That’s a great looking bag.