Category: Friday Foto Fun

Tru Inspiration! (Friday Foto Fun #9)

This week I was traveling for work in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and I stayed at Tru, a new Hilton brand family hotel. It’s a really trendy hipster more affordable hotel.  I saw inspiration for quilts everywhere with all the bright colors and designs throughout the hotel.  My favorite was this amazing wallpaper.  I actually want to make this into a quilt! (Who would have guessed?  It...

Last Month of 2017! (Friday Foto Fun #8)

Snowed in October, but high of 50 on Sunday?! I’ll take it!  This was my first full week at home in awhile, and it was so productive!  Plus I released my latest pattern this past Tuesday, and I got shout out from Kate Spain, how cool!  I am so happy I got to meet her last QuiltCon even though I completely fan-girled. Anyway, on to...

Black Friday!  (Friday Foto Fun #7)

Happy Black Friday everyone!!!  This day is always so dangerous for my credit cards because of the amazing deals all the retailers offer!  I hope everyone snags a great deal today (and tomorrow through Cyber Monday)!  I am having a pattern sale going on at my Etsy shop for Black Friday through the end of day Saturday!  Use code BLACKFRIDAY17 to get 30% off my patterns!...

I got my baby back!!! (Friday Foto Fun #6)

Happy Friday indeed!  I got to pick up my baby from the shop yesterday!! I’m so excited to be able to sew with it again!  So the technician told me that he took the bottom portion apart and didn’t find the needle pieces.  Then he put it back together, retimed the machine and it worked.  Now how do I learn to fix that myself when...

Sewing Expo Part 1 (Friday Foto Fun #5)

Original Sewing Expo started in Minneapolis yesterday!  I took this opportunity to take a few classes outside of my wheelhouse since it has more general sewing offerings than just quilting.  The Sewing Expo continues through this weekend, so this is just part 1 and a short recap of the classes I took yesterday.  I took a Rose Star Topper class from Debby Kratovil.  This uses...

A Zipper Broke My Sewing Machine (Friday Foto Fun #4)

I love bags, but I’ll admit I’m not the best at making them. I decided now was the time to change that and purchased 80 assorted zippers to make zipper bags, handbags, Sew Together Bags, etc. In my mind, it was going to be fabulous. But…The very first zipper bag I was warming up with, I hit the tiny little metal part of the zipper...

Snowy October? (Friday Foto Fun #3)

It’s the last Friday in October, and the weather forecast is predicting snow! Say what?! I love fall, and I’m pretty unhappy that winter seems to be descending quickly upon us!  Hopefully everyone else is still enjoying warmer weather.  This Friday I’d like to share my progress on a few of my projects! I decided that I’d start on my Fox and Friends quilt for...

Busy Busy Busy (Friday Foto Fun #2)

I can’t believe it’s already Friday!  I didn’t have much time at all this week to sit down at my machine and sew.  Have you ever gotten to the point when you are so busy, you end up not doing anything at all because you are in a type of analysis paralysis? I’m at that point and may be even further down that path!  However,...

Lucky Friday the 13th (Friday Foto Fun #1)

Welcome to the first of many Friday Foto Fun Sharing posts! I am starting this linky party because I feel with my full time job, I don’t finish enough projects to do a Friday Finish sharing party.  But I would still like to celebrate the smaller wins such as working on designs or finishing up a block or two on a longer term project! <div...