Tagged: Blog Hop

200! (Friday Foto Fun #43)

First Friday in August!  I can’t believe this is my 200th blog post!  It seems like I hit 100 not too long ago.  I’m really excited to share this quilt with you! Ta Da!  Isn’t it beautiful?!

Making Connections Blog Hop

I Can’t Believe I’m Machine Quilting!  That is the title of my quilting story. When Dorie Hruska of Forever Quilting first asked for people to help her promote her new book through a blog hop, I was a bit hesitant because I am not a fan of machine quilting and thought I would just be embarrassing myself.  Well something clicked, and it’s like a light...

Happy 1 year Blogiversary to me!

Can you believe it’s already been a year?  For those of you who have been reading since the beginning, I very much so appreciate you, and thank you for reading! (I also appreciate those of you who may have found me during the last year as well!)  You may have noticed about 2 weeks ago, there were a few days that my blog wasn’t online...

S.W.A.K. Revealed (Piece and Quilt with Precuts Blog Hop)

S.W.A.K. is the 4th quilt in the Piece and Quilt with Precuts book by Christa Watson.  I am so happy to finally be able to share my finished quilt after all the sneak peeks on my Instagram! This quilt uses Charm Packs for the half square triangles (HSTs).  So keeping with the spirit of the precuts theme, I decided to use Airmail (quantity 2), Modern...

Buying Fabric and Sewing are Two Different Hobbies

Buying Fabric and Sewing are Two Different Hobbies

That was a quote photo on GoGoKim’s Instagram earlier this week, and it could not speak the truth anymore clear.  I finally got a new cutting table that is the proper height rather than my plastic table set up.  I got a kitchen island from IKEA like the ones I had seen at the retreat center. Because the cutting table doesn’t fit in my current...

Barn Quilt Block Tutorial

Barn Quilt Block Tutorial

I have no idea what this quilt block is called, but this is what I came up with for the #BCBarnQuiltSwap4 quilt for my partner.  It is made using Half Square Triangles (HST), a single Hourglass block, and no waste flying geese blocks. Here’s how you make the 16″ finished block with the colors referencing the block above: Cutting instructions: Dark Blue: Cut 1 -...

Web Piecing Tutorial

I am participating in a blog hop in a few weeks with some very awesome ladies in the Stitching Stars Blog Hop next month.  The grand prize giveaway is going to be a quilt made from blocks from the participants.  Such a great giveaway prize, I can’t wait to have everyone see the finished product.  Here is a sneak peak of the blocks I made...