Tagged: elizabeth hartman

Awesome Ocean – Slow but Steady!

I was able to finish the Turtle blocks for the Awesome Ocean quilt this past weekend.  The total time was about 6 hours to complete these little blocks. They are pretty darling, but I’m not really sure if 6 hours was worth it.

Awesome Ocean – New WIP!

This past winter, I decided that I wanted to make the Awesome Ocean quilt by Elizabeth Hartman!  Don’t mind all the other work in progress quilts that I had going on, what’s one more to do?! I decided to get the new kit that used Kona solid colors and it was the second time this quilt had been kitted.  The first kit was released when...

Pineapple Farm, the beginnings

One of the projects that I brought with me with the great idea that I’d finally be able to sew up the quilt kit is Pineapple Farm by Elizabeth Hartman.  I bought the complete quilt kit when I lived in Minnesota (so at least 3.5 years ago) and now I’m finally cutting into the kit.

North Stars Blocks Complete!

I did it!  I made all 9 blocks in the North Stars quilt by Elizabeth Hartman.  It only took me 9 months to do it by sewing one block a month, but these blocks are complete!

North Stars Reindeer Block

Can you make a block without all the fabric you need? The short answer is no, but that didn’t stop me from trying to do this.  Remember my destash a few weeks ago?  I decided that I wanted to make the North Stars Quilt by Elizabeth Hartman since I bought all the Arctic fabric years ago to make it.

Project Quilting 10.6 – Craving Chocolate (Friday Foto Fun #76)

I finished my project!!!  I was this week’s Project Quilt Sew-lebrity!  I can’t wait to see your finished projects, too!  This week’s prompt was “Craving Chocolate”, read about it here.  It’s like Trish KNEW I loathe brown, so I struggled a bit to figure out what I wanted to make!  I had seriously considered making a poop emoji, but thought I should make something MUCH...

10 more days till Christmas! (Friday Foto Fun #10)

Is it too late to finally put decorations out around the house?  Our house is decoration-less at the moment and it feels more like January…cold and not very festive! I feel like I’m in denial that Christmas is coming.  I haven’t really worked on any of my Christmas-y projects this fall except the I Wish You a Merry QAL quilt.  Maybe next year right?!  Anyways…I...

QuiltCon Recap (aka QuiltCon Recovery)

I am tired and worn out but attending QuiltCon this year was incredibly worth it; it was nothing short of amazing!  The quilts in the show were so incredible, and I have quite a few to share below.  I didn’t get photos of all the paper tags, so sorry I am not listing the makers.  Good thing there are lots of these quilts tagged on...