Tagged: twitch

Finished Weebrawbags!

How many Weebrawbags does one really need? I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know they were so fun to make and cute too!

Quilt in a Day Stream with a Layer Cake tomorrow! (Friday Foto Fun #110)

Happy Friday!  I’m still adjusting to the new job and new location.  It’s honestly been hard to carve out some weekday sewing so I’m excited to at least be sewing this weekend!  I’ve even more excited to be using part of my stash of Layer Cakes! Layer Cakes are also known as 10″ stackers and are usually a collection precut meaning that it’ll have at...

2020 Planning Party

Yvonne at Quilting Jet Girl is hosting this year’s planning party again! I figured this would be a great way for me to detail out my goals for the upcoming year. Looking back through my blog posts for my 2019 goals, I’m happy to report that I hit most of my Powered By Quilting goals but came up short on my personal sewing and fitness...