My Curated Quilts Mini Submission

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10 Responses

  1. Awesome design! And A+ for using all the colors in the challenge, your fabrics match perfectly!

  2. Tracie says:

    Very creative! I hope your quilt will be in the magazine.

  3. That’s a really fun design! I love it.
    Cheers! Terry

  4. Oh Sherry, this is really cool. I hope it gets in! Yes, I submitted one to Curated Quilts on a whim; it wasn’t very good. Haha.

  5. Lisa says:

    This is a really interesting design. It’s more complicated than it looks at first. I have yet to participate in the challenges but I’m thinking it would be a good exercise to get me thinking outside the box.

  6. Liz W. says:

    Very cool design! I also love the quilting that adds the texture and dimension. I hope you get in the magazine!

  7. Kathleen McCormick says:

    Good luck! It is a great mini and your quilting really helped bring out the left right triangles. I haven’t been in curated quilts but am keeping my eye open for one in the near future…

  8. rl2b2017 says:

    Hi Sherry,
    What a beautiful design! And the quilting – it looks fabulous. I am sure this will make it in the magazine. It meets all of the qualifications, it is modern, fresh and new AND cute. I would be inspired to make it if I saw it in the magazine. ~smile~ Roseanne

  1. April 5, 2018

    […] also heard back from Curated Quilts about my mini, and it didn’t make the cut.  Boo.  Read about the mini here. Overall it was a pretty fun experience, so I’m hoping to do more small challenges in the […]

  2. April 22, 2018

    […] […]