2018 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop

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67 Responses

  1. Dawn F. says:

    I have some fabric that I have been holding on to for awhile. I don’t think I do it intentionally, sometimes when I buy fabric just because I love it and not necessarily for a specific project, I have a hard time matching it later on to use it up.

  2. Mary says:

    I have so much fabric that I know I could sew for years and still have too much. I, too, like piecing so enjoyed seeing your quilts. Thanks.

  3. Hi Sherry! So fun to “meet” you! I love your quilts and quilt designs and what is up with so many quilters being engineers??? You are the fourth or fifth one that I know of online who are either currently or retired from being an engineer. Now that I’m following you, I’ll try to remember to join your Friday linky party! Really great advice about using fabric you love instead of hoarding it. Guilty. 🙂

  4. Anna sews says:

    so glad you have found your way into the quilting community. now about that glass blowing do you still do that?

  5. Sarah J says:

    I do have some I am “waiting for the right project” for (aka: hoarding because I’m afraid I’ll ruin it). My husband just sighed and shook his head when I was relocating some fabrics to a new cabinet and I told him “this is for my ‘good fabric’… no really, it’s my designer fabric… the special ones”.

  6. Hi Sherry! You’ve done a lot in the quilting world over less than 3 years!!! Does that little comment, “for now” mean you’re leaving Minnesota? After the winter we just came through, I get it! On the other hand, because of our winters here in Minnesota, we have a huge quilting community! As for those piles of fabric, most of us have them! We just have to remember to shop from our own collection first!

  7. Hi Sherry! I was one of your testers for the circular illusion quilt. It is such a fun design! I totally agree on using that well loved fabric. I don’t know why I just keep my favorites in the original fat quarter bundle wrapping to just admire it on the shelf? Crazy, I know! It’s wonderful to get to know you a bit better. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or evening❤️❤️

  8. Nancy says:

    Hi Sherry, thanks for sharing your quilting journey. Of course I have a pile of fabric I hoard! It’s for that very special quilt I am going to make “someday”, and can’t use it now,,because I will be sorry when I find that special quilt design and now no longer have the fabric, thus the hoarding!!

  9. Great intro post! Now are you talking barn quilt as in painting a barn quilt or sewing one? MN has some great barn quilts. I’ve even painted a small one 2′ square. Your quilts are great! My I Wish You a Merry QAL is still not finished as I’ve had to set it aside while I finish some other quilts that had deadlines. Soon, very soon, I’ll be back to it.

  10. Christi says:

    I love your Illusion quilt. I so enjoy making these. Your Twisted Ladder looks like fun.

  11. I have quite a bit of fabric that was given to me. I’m working on using it up before actually buying more. I hoarded fabric years ago when I lived close to a warehouse that practically gave their fabric away.

  12. I’m laughing, of course I have piles of fabric… I am encouraging my daughter in law to use a bunch up but she is started to make her own purchases and starting her own piles

  13. Hey, Sherry! I cannot believe you have been quilting for less than 3 years. Your work is beautiful.

    I want to know more about this barn quilt sew along. I also love barn quilts, altough I don’t see too many of them in my neck of the woods.

  14. Wow your Circular illuision is amazing!!!

  15. Lynne Stucke says:

    I used to hoard favorite fabrics, but no more! I’ve found they’re much prettier IN quilts than ON a shelf!

  16. spierssusan says:

    Your quilts are wonderful! I am very protective of my fabric-zi love the process of going through my stash to remind me of what I have, and to wonder why I haven’t used it yet!

  17. thedarlingdogwood says:

    I was shocked to read the “quilting 3 years” line! I had no idea! I’ve dabbled in lots of crafts, too, but quilting is my True Love and I knew it as soon as I found it. I love looking at your quilts!

  18. Hi Sherry,

    Great quilts! I enjoyed reading your post.

    About the fabric, I have a significant supply. I don’t really “hoard” it, but sometimes it has to wait a while to find that “just right” project in which I will use it. I used to buy fabric, just because. Now I try (mostly) to purchase for a specific project. But, somehow, the stash keeps growing.

    Happy quilting,

  19. annalutzbrown says:

    I have alot of stash but I am working my way threw it.Because I know I can’t take it with me so if you buy it use it…. Like cloths fabric gets old and there is always a new fabric line coming…..happyness04431@yahoo.com

  20. Rosalind Gutierrez says:

    Yes I am guilty of having fabric and not using them. I am trying to target those forgotten ones and create something out of them.