Summer Tote Challenge!
Happy Monday! This is a special Monday edition to share the tote that I made for Jessica Swift's Summer Tote Challenge!
Jessica provided me the fabric to make this awesome tote and I absolutely ADORE how it turned out! Jessica's summer tote challenge goes until Tuesday, so don't forget to submit your totes before then! In addition, there will be totes popping up on Instagram through the end of August for her social media hop. Check out the following hashtags to see all the beautiful totes! #mysummertote #agfsirena #sirenafabrics #jessicaswift
Here are the details on how I created this amazing tote.
Pattern: The Picnic Tote by Caroline Fairbanks-Critchfield
Fabric: Sirena by Jessica Swift
The center panel is woven with 9 different prints! I picked and organized them by color families and started weaving. I used my trusty Wefty Needle to weave.
- Layer 1
- Layer 2
- Layer 3
I was actually a little apprehensive on the weave when I was finished because the large-scale prints on some of the fabrics changed my vision a bit in the weave. However, the panel in the tote still looks absolutely fabulous!
My favorite way to get the weave off of my foam board is actually to use freezer paper to secure the weave before fusing Pellon Shapeflex to the back.
The tote itself was really fun to make following the instructions and tutorial on SewCanShe. I decided to have two pockets inside of the tote that showcased a different print.
Here are some other glamour shots of my tote!
Did you spot the cute mermaid pin?
The enamel mermaid pin is a collaboration between Maker Pin Co. and Jessica! Pick up yours here!
Have you woven anything yet? If not, what is your biggest barrier to weaving?
Linking up with Pretty Piney's What I Made Monday.
Join me again on Friday for Friday Foto Fun and on Sunday for the #365DayOfArtPBQChallenge! Link up and share your progress on your own projects!
Need more fabric, tools or notions?
Amazon - Shop now!
Fat Quarter Shop - Shop now!
Craftsy - Shop now!
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That is a great bag, Sherry! I’m still on the fence about weaving; not really sure why. I like the look, and the process fascinates me, but I’m just not sure I want to try it. Sure is fun to see what you create though!
Great weaving job!! The colors are so pretty woven together!
This is such a beautiful tote, and the woven panel makes it so special! I’ve wanted to see what your panel would turn into, and this is a beautiful finished product!
This is fab! That wefty needle is calling my name – one day I will dive into weaving.
Amaaaazing! You do such cool stuff with that Wefty. Your fabric choices (and pin) are perfect, and what a great pattern. Thanks for linking up to What I Made Monday!